My Story

My Story

My name is GRACE MODERN, Iam a computer engineer by profession and a business woman by choice. I have over half a decade of experience in business and Iam here to show you how you can start a business with us, grow and have continuous cash flow with our platform.

Before I met this life changing opportunity, I weighed 90kgs at 22 years, I had no job, I slept on the floor of my sister’s living room and my life was miserable. I failed at 3 startup businesses in one year, my father was diagnosed with prostate enlargement and CV’s kept bouncing back… oops.

One evening however I received a phone call from a stranger that turned my whole life around. I was introduced to a business opportunity that made a lot of sense for me. The opportunity was offering both me and my father a healthy life style once again and a platform where I would finally earn an extra income. The fundamental principles were amazing and I immediately took a decision to get started.

From that day, my life has not been the same. I got back my desired body shape, my father became better through the health products, my finances multiplied athousand times. I have time freedom to be anywhere anytime and I have helped a lot of people across Africa to get the life of their dreams while giving hope to more others and I thank God for that.

I have never been so happy and excited in my life like Iam today. Iam living my life to the absolute fullest and right now my only determination and obsession is to give my life and the life of everyone that believes in success more meaning through growth, contribution and service.

I am an alpha female, a determined, disciplined but daring goal digger. If I can do this, you can do it much better.